For the past ten days I have unable to post a blog; my battery went dead and would not recharge. Anywhere I checked, they didn’t have a battery and could only offer to order it; and so, I trudged on stopping from time to time and attempting to buy a replacement without success.
Three days ago (in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia) I struck pay-dirt and was able to buy a new battery from a computer repair shop. Problem solved (or so I thought). Following the computer Guru’s advice, I ran the battery down before attempting to recharge it. Unfortunately though, it would not recharge; back to square one!
I’m now back the USA (Camden, Maine), and this morning I was able to get the battery charger replaced and so, things are looking brighter.
This evening I’ll begin (a condensed version) of the last ten days through Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador and back through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.